Latest News: Canberra CareersXpo 9-10 August 2023.
The Canberra CareersXpo is an annual event usually conducted in August each year in conjunction with ACT Education.
The Canberra CareersXpo has been operating for over 40 years and has grown in popularity. In 2022, the two-day event attracted over 7000 visitors and 100 local, national and international exhibitors. This will be our eleventh year at Exhibition Park. The larger venue enables everyone to be under one roof in a warm and comfortable environment.
The CareersXpo seeks to provide valuable career guidance and advice on career opportunities available to secondary students throughout the ACT and surrounding NSW schools network.
This CareersXpo is the largest event of its type in the region with over 100 local and national exhibitors, including universities, colleges, and career placement organisations providing a wide range of information.
The Expo will once again showcase a wide range of career pathways that appeal to a diverse population in order to provide a valuable experience for all relevant stakeholders.
Students, parents, teachers, careers advisors and career changers are encouraged to come along and explore, ask questions and gather as much information as possible.
Exhibitors from the Canberra Institute of Technology, the Australian National University, the University of Canberra, as well as other educational providers, government departments, the police, the defence force recruitment branch, training institutions and employers will provide useful and relevant information in an interactive and interesting way.
We are proud to present this vocational and community service program.
Entry is free
Any surplus proceeds from site fees and sponsorship are applied to the benefit of local youth and vocational projects conducted by the Rotary Club of Aurora Gungahlin.