Young Workers Advice Service

The Young Workers Advice Service, an initiative of UnionsACT established in 2019, provides FREE and confidential advice on workplace matters for young people between the age of 15-25. 

The service advocates for the rights of young workers to secure, safe and decent work and equips them with the information they need going into the workplace.

We also work with ACT Education Directorate to provide 50-minute presentations on Work Health and Safety for students undertaking work experience placement. In addition to this, we also provide Rights at Work sessions across schools in the ACT. Bookings for either session can be made directly through our website here:

Rights at Work | WHS for WEX 

Webinars, Videos, Seminars:

Work Health and Saftey for Work Experience Schools Session

Rights at Work Schools Session:

Useful Links:

Get Advice on workplace matters:

Connect with us today!

Please get in touch if you have any further questions we can help you with.

Phone: 02 6225 8104