Community Services #1

Community Services #1 is a proud profit for purpose community service organisation providing emotional and practical support to thousands of individuals and families across the ACT and NSW.

In the ACT our programs include: 6 Early Education and Care Centres, 2 out of school hours care and holiday programs, aged care services such as home care packages, CHSP and ACH, a food pantry, community support including CASP, social support groups, seniors groups, community transport and venue hire. In NSW across the Murrumbidgee local health district we deliver home support services and home care packages.

Our Purpose

‘Connecting people to enrich lives’

Our Mission

‘Providing services that enhance quality of life’

We offer valuable opportunities to make an impact for good in the lives of others. Whether it is aged care workers, early educators, community development team members, reception staff, finance team members, food pantry workers and drivers all make real change every day.

If you are seeking a meaningful career and also have a desire to help others you should consider joining the diverse team at CS#1.

CS#1 recognises that its greatest asset is its dedicated employees.

We value our employees’ diversity, input, and work ethic. We recognise that people do better when they:

  • Have interesting, meaningful and challenging work.
  • Know the work they undertake is important, and that their efforts are appreciated.
  • Are supported, and given the resources and opportunity to meet challenges.
  • Have a clear understanding of their role in the organisation, and how this fits into the ‘bigger picture’.
  • Have an input on matters affecting their workplace.
  • Take part in regular and honest feedback about their performance.
  • Know that innovation and better ways of doing things will be supported.
  • Valuing and supporting employees has enabled us to maintain a happy and rewarding work environment

Visit our Careers page on our website to scope our vacancies and volunteering programs here:

For more enquiries please call Linda (People and Culture Coordinator) on 02 6126 4736 or email:

Connect with us today!

Please get in touch if you have any further questions we can help you with.

Phone: 02 6126 4736