Exhibitor Exhibition Booking Form – 2024

The 2024 Careers Xpo will be held on Wednesday 7 August and Thursday 9 August.

Steps to Booking a Booth in the 2024 CareersXpo real skills for real careers, STEM Cell, Innovation and Technology, Sustainability and Environment Exhibitions

Step 1: Complete the On-line Booking Form

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. It is important you also read the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy before proceeding.

You can click on Booths button and that will show those booths still available i.e. booths numbered 200-205, 210-229 and 230-272 – updated every 24 hours.

Coming in the next 3 months will be an interactive floor plan to replace the static floor plans on the Booths page. When installed, as you pass your cursor over a booth space it will show you the name of the Exhibitor and incorporate a link to the Exhibitor entry in the Expo Hall.

Step 2: Submit Booking Form

When completed and checked that the information entered in the form is correct, click the ‘Submit’ button. A copy of your booking will be forwarded to the organisation (generic) and primary contact email addresses you provided.

Step 3: Booth Allocation

After your booking has been received, we will allocate the booth(s) to your organisation. We then update the floor plan at our web site accordingly.

Step 4: Invoice

We will then raise an Invoice for the booth(s) and accessories ordered and email it to the address you specified for invoicing. A copy is also sent to the primary email address contact for reference.

Step 5: Public Liability Certificate of Currency (COC)

A copy of your Certificate of Currency should be included in your booking form. If not possible at the time of booking, please send us a copy of this as soon as possible after booking to avoid the necessity for us to hassle you. Our Insurers are most insistent we receive and can show a copy of each exhibitor’s COC.

Step 6: Expo Hall (Exhibitor Listing)

We will then send you an email confirming your registration and the booth(s) allocated.  The email will also include a link to the Exhibitor Information form for you to complete with as much or as little additional information relating to your organisation.

Click here to check if you already have an entry in the Expo Hall. If you do, and you wish to update the existing content you will need to complete the Exhibitor Information form.

If you do not have an entry in the Expo Hall, we highly recommend you complete the Exhibitor Information form so that you are recognised as an exhibitor at the 2024 Canberra CareersXpo.

Visitors to the Expo Hall can view entries in alphabetic, booth number or category(s) order.

Please book your booth(s) using the form below.



If you are exhibiting in either the ‘real skills for real careers’ space, the Innovation and Technolgy Exhibition, the Sustainability and Environment Exhibition or the STEM Cell it is a requirement that you offer a hands-on interactive activity to engage students. If you provide such an activity you will be invoiced a nominal fee of $100.00 unless you are a registered NFP organisation. If not, you will be invoiced for the full cost of a normal booth.

Exhibitors can promote their organisations courses, employment, traineeship or apprenticeship opportunities on the EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES wall in the Conference Centre linkway


Exhibitors are offered a seminar presentation time FREE of charge in the Wednesday evening program, subject to availability. Maximum 15 minutes. Presentation times allocated at the discretion of the Organiser.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Please attach a copy of your organisation’s Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency (COC).

Please review your information to ensure all is correct before submitting your form

When you submit the booking form, a copy will be forwarded to your organisation (generic) and primary contact email addresses.