More information about the sponsors can be found in the student handbook. which can be viewed online or downloaded and
printed. A hard copy of the Handbook is distributed to all ACT
Government Schools. Booths Still Available
The Budawang Pavilion is
fully booked but there are still a few booths available in the
Coorong building. Check the Booths page for booths still
available for booking.For more information
on booth types refer to the Exhibitors Package, page 4.
Networking Event
are invited to attend the CareersXpo Inaugural Networking Event.
When: Wednesday 7 August from
3-4pm Where: The Exhibitors Lounge in the
Conference Centre
This will be a fantastic opportunity for you to meet and engage
with other exhibitors, prior to the public CareersXpo Night Event
event between 4pm - 7pm, to explore who they are and what
they have to offer.
If you have not already registered on your booking form and are
interested in attending please let us know by emailing us at
Please RSVP by July 24 for catering purposes and include any
special dietary requirements.
We look forward to seeing you there.
CareersXpo Night Event
As we move towards our
Annual CareersXpo, we are asking our exhibitors to turn their
attention towards the CareersXpo Night Event between 4pm - 7pm on
Wednesday 7 August 2024. The CareersXpo Night is open to
all, particularly parents.
The CareersXpo Night is looking to boost this event in
2024 by extending its reach to
Special Offers
Event Activities and Promotions
Focus On
Inclusion - including Recruitability programs and inclusion
Parent/Student Special
This could be a specially
targeted offer for apprenticeships or school leavers, as this
nighttime event is hosted outside of school and work hours!
If you have a special offer, please have a think about how you
can promote it prior to and during the event and also let us know
and we will include it in our campaign by emailing
Increased Event Activities and Promotions
How can you better
demonstrate your educational or work environment?
Are there specialised areas that you can showcase or something
you can highlight through an activity during the
We have additional space in one of the pavilions to 'activate'
through live demonstrations and audience participation
activities. If your group has an idea around an equipment
demonstration or a science experiment that can be displayed in a
safe manner, please get in touch with the team.
We are keen to fill the exhibits hall and make this a vibrant
space. We will also promote these through a social media campaign
if we can get a short video.
Focus On Inclusion
In order to foster meaningful engagement with our 2024 cohort of
exhibitors and attendees about diversity and equal opportunity,
the Careers Xpo Team will focus on inclusion at its nighttime
We invite you to participate in this important event and
contribute to our mission of fostering inclusion.
More on the Wednesday Night CareersXpo program in a
separate Exhibitor Newsletter.
Exhibitor Lounge
For the comfort of exhibitors, the more spacious Parkes Room,
located in the Conference Centre between the Budawang and Coorong
Pavilions has been designated as the exhibitors’ lounge. FREE
cold drinks, tea, instant or pod coffee, juice,
fruit, snack bars and biscuits will be available. Exhibitors
can avail themselves of FREE expresso coffee
and hot chocolate at the Coffee Spot, also located in the
exhibitor lounge.
Let’s Save the Environment and bring your own Keep cups or Coffee
mugs for hot beverages when visiting the exhibitors lounge.
Lunch Orders
Lunch and beverage options can be ordered and paid for each
morning at the cafe in the Coorong Building. A pre-order form
will be circulated to exhibitors shortly.
Employment Opportunities
The Employment Opportunities Board has been extended this year to
include Volunteer Opportunities.
This is a perfect place for your organisation to promote your
offerings including apprenticeships/traineeships, current
vacancies, quiet jobs, internships or
volunteer opportunities. Please send a brief description along
with a link and QR code to the position, to and we will organise to post it for you.
Expo Hall - an online
Check out our Expo Hall. It is important for
visitors to our web site to have access to as much information as
possible about your organisation before and after attending the
CareersXpo. Students who can't make it to the Canberra CareersXpo
can use the Expo Hall as a resource to find more in-depth
information about the careers or study options your organisation
is offering. If you are an exhibitor with a booth space at the
Canberra CareersXpo, this online listing is FREE
for exhibitors and has currency for 24 months. To
update or add a new entry complete the Exhibitor Information form.
For an online listing without
a physical booth, the fee for a listing is $100.00 plus
GST. Complete our online Exhibitor Information form and an invoice will follow. You can include
as much, or as little information as you wish relating to your
Canberra CareersXpo
Online Student Handbook
The student handbook informs the students about where the booths
are located, who is exhibiting and gives them ideas on how to ask
the probing questions. To view the online Student handbook, click
on the image below.
Exhibition Furniture
If you require information on special builds or furniture (other
than the standard table and chairs we offer when booking), reach
out to the team at SBX via their web site or call them on (02) 6239 1028
If you have any further
questions, please contact the CareersXpo team via email at
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