Canberra CareersXpo
7 & 8 August 2024
The CareersXpo showcases the multitudinous careers and jobs available in 2024.
This event is for school students, adults already in the workforce, or anyone with an interest in seeking a new career path. Join us for a journey of discovery into the labyrinth of inspiring possibilities.
What is the Canberra CareersXpo?
The Canberra CareersXpo is an annual event held in August each year. The event is open to everyone, with a focus on secondary students throughout the ACT and surrounding NSW schools network seeking information on career and study pathways. There will be over 150 local and national exhibitors, including universities, colleges, VET and career placement organisations, providing a wide range of information sources.
Wednesday 7 August 2024
9am – 3pm
Evening session 4pm – 7pm
Thursday 8 August 2024
9am – 2.30pm
Exhibition Park in Canberra
Corner of Flemington Rd and Northbourne Ave, Mitchell ACT
Students & Visitors
Explore new horizons!
With over 150 exhibitors all keen to talk to you and share their knowledge and experiences, be curious and investigate.
Book your visit.
The Canberra CareersXpo is the premier event for current advice and information on career, education and training options.
Connect with students.
The CareersXpo provides exhibitors with a target audience of upwards of 9000 students and visitors seeking career advice.
What’s on this year?
The focus for the 2024 CareersXpo will be Sustainability and Environment.
The CareersXpo is an inclusive event offering a variety of education, training and employment pathways for students with disability.
real skills for real careers Exhibition
Exhibitors in this space offer hands on activities such as make-up artistry, horticulture, electrical, automotive, virtual reality spray painting, hospitality and construction to give students an opportunity to experience firsthand VET based trade and skill activities. This will be located in the Budawang Pavilion.
The STEM Cell will offer hands on activities such as forensic science, fitness, robotics, cyber security, animal science, technology, children’s education and nursing. This will be located in the Coorong Pavilion. There will be numerous exhibitors and activities related to science leading up to National Science week.
Employment Exhibition
The Indigenous Employment Exhibition offers specific opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. This will again be located in the Coorong Pavilion.
Inovation and
Technology Hub
The Inovation and Technology Hub was instigated last year and will be bigger and better than last year.
Qualified Career Practitioners
Qualified Career Practitioners will be available for current advice and information relating to all things careers. They will be located in the Coorong Pavilion.
Opportunity Board
The Employment Opportunity Board will provide information for current and upcoming employment, apprenticeships and traineeship opportunities.
Wednesday Evening Session
7 August 2024 – 4pm to 7pm
In 2024 we are holding a special night session for families on Wednesday from 4pm to 7pm.
All welcome!
Students are encouraged to bring their families along to join in their career discovery journey. Seminars will be running and CareersXpo exhibitors will be in the Coorong and Budawang Pavilions.
The program also includes two guest speakers. Dr Brad Tucker, Astrophysicist & Cosmologist and Professor Genevieve Bell, Vice Chancellor ANU.
The ACT Education Directorate will present a series of workshops for parents and carers to support National Skills Week.
During these workshops, experienced career practitioners will present useful career information, resources and strategies to start career conversations with your young person.
It is FREE to attend.
Register your attendance below.
real skills
for real careers
to Work
Postgraduate Information Program